Banking and Lending Disputes
Representing Creditors in Banking Litigation throughout Atlanta and the Southeast
Lenders and creditors understand the effort – and frustration – that is often involved in attempting to recover amounts owed to you. In addition to getting paid, collecting debt, or recovering collateral, disputes can also arise at the outset of a loan that likewise call for the knowledgeable assistance of experienced legal counsel.
The Maxim Law Firm, P.C., represents banks, finance companies and other creditors who are involved in banking and lending disputes throughout the greater Atlanta metro area, Georgia, Alabama, and the Southeast. The process of enforcing your rights as a creditor, if not undertaken properly, can end up being costly and time-consuming. Our mission is to resolve your matter promptly, professionally and effectively.
When your efforts to vindicate your rights to payment or collateral have failed, benefit from our experience and dedication. To schedule an initial consultation, contact us online or call 404-924-4272.
Creditor/Debtor Disputes
With over 23 years of complex business and banking litigation experience, our founder, attorney Kevin Maxim, offers clients sound legal counsel that is grounded in experience. We represent lenders and creditors who face disputes with borrowers and other debtors over a range of issues, including:
- Loan origination and payment
- Terms of a loan
- Payments on a loan
- Security for a loan
- Repurchase rights
- Borrowers that fail to make payments
- Garnishment actions
- Liens and lien foreclosure actions
- Debtors who file for bankruptcy
- Dealer and other sales and distribution agreements
We also handle disputes involving complex lending arrangements for secured creditors, including those involved in floor-plan lending. Secured lending disputes typically involve complex financial relationships and multiple parties. It is critical to turn to an attorney who has the depth of knowledge and skill necessary to analyze your situation and to develop effective legal strategies to protect your interests.
Whether through court litigation or other methods of alternative dispute resolution, we are focused on helping you advance your matter to an efficient and effective resolution.
Aggressively Pursuing Your Debt and Collateral
Our firm will stand on the front line of efforts to aggressively help you enforce your rights to repayment and recover collateral. If sending demand letters and attempts to repossess collateral have been unsuccessful, the involvement of a lawyer and the pressure of litigation may be necessary to ensure that the borrower abides by its obligations. We can assist you in any stage of the process to ensure that you get paid.
Complex Lending Situations Call for Insight and Experience
The value of taking property as security for a loan hinges upon the lender’s willingness to pursue that property when a loan goes bad. Pursuing payment and the security can be complicated by complex financial relationships. Fraud can stand in the way of repossession or other means of foreclosure. Lenders need an aggressive and cost-effective lawyer to assist in pursuing collateral no matter who may claim a right to it.
Attorney Kevin Maxim has successfully resolved litigation involving real property, commercial equipment, aircraft and aircraft engines, motor vehicles, and other personal property. He has also successfully litigated a number of actions involving claims arising out of the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and state credit disclosure, consumer protection, and deceptive and unfair trade practices acts.
Schedule an Initial Consultation
To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced banking and lending litigation attorney, contact us online or call 404-924-4272. The Maxim Law Firm, P.C., is conveniently located between Midtown and Buckhead in Atlanta. We are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with meetings at other times and locations available by appointment. We offer competitive and reasonable rates.